Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Do You Realize?

We recently went to the Museum of Transportation in St. Louis.  We had a great time.  It's a must-do if you have kids and live close enough.  We were most impressed with touring the old train engines and passenger cars.

I was amazed by how massive the engines were.  They were so huge that they felt fake.  Some of them had wheels larger than 6 feet tall.  Inside, we got to sit in the conductor's chair and see what driving the massive thing was like.  It looked like such a difficult, pressure filled job --only tiny windows to see ahead, the many levers and knobs, and the firebox inches away.

I wondered if the once-upon-a-time conductors knew their impact on the world.  Did they know they were literally leading the way to changing our country and even the world forever?  In their day in and day out hard work, did they realize they were revolutionizing life as they knew it?  Did they know that generations of tiny men-children (aka little boys) would pretend to be just like them?

I have missed out on the importance of those day in and day out things. What about you?

We tend to look only for the big leaps of faith.  We measure our lives by the immediate impact of our decisions.  Often, we only see the people in the world who are easily noticed and are making the most obvious impact.  We have a streak of jealousy that rears it's ugly head.  We fight feeling guilty for "failing" when compared to others.  We can't stand the thought of living a life that doesn't count in some way!

Well, I'm learning a whole lot from people like the old-time conductors.  It seems that many times the people with the biggest impact are behind the scenes doing the hard work day in and day out.  It can be such hard work.  It can take tremendous perseverance and self-sacrifice.  I write these words, hoping to encourage you.  If you are feeling like a failure or wondering what your impact really is, take heart!  

The everyday, unnoticed things you do truly are making a difference.  Living a life filled with His Love will literally lead the way to changing our world forever.  In your day in and day out hard- Love work, you are revolutionizing life as you know it.  Do you know that generations of tiny people (you know what I mean) will pretend to be just like you?  You are leaving a legacy.

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