Monday, August 6, 2012

This Summer

 "He is before all things and in Him all things hold together."

Colossians 1:17

The Laundry Room.  This scene startled me.  I was instantly reminded that Jesus is with me in the most mundane tasks.  Even laundry is Holy when I bow myself to Him and do it out of love for my family.  Yes, He is before all things and in Him all things hold together.
Our Bedroom Dresser.  In the early morning the sun came in under the trees and cast  His Cross on our dresser.  We wake with the reminder that dying to our selfish desires and material longings is the only way to truly carry His Love.  Yes,  He is before all things and in Him all things hold together.

Our Bedroom Door.  Before I enter the world, it's there again.   Entering through the cross is the only way to really live. Remembering His love for me...for the world as I step out.  Yes, He is before all things and in Him all things hold together.

Our Bathroom.  Hands of a strong father laid the stone floor of our bathroom.  He was bent low with a sweating brow.  He kneeled.  He scraped grout over all the crosses.  Over and over he made crosses while he was bent low giving himself.  He has lived the Love our Jesus.  Yes,  He is before all things and in Him all things hold together.

The Cathedral Basilica in St. Louis.  More than 80,000 tiles adorn this buidling making up one of the most extensive mosaics in the world.  From the ground, we look up and are reminded of His Cross, His Sacrifice for our sakes.  The grace and beauty of it all paralyzes me.  His Love... I don't deserve.  Yes, He is before all things and holds all things together.

The Cathedral Basilica in St. Louis.  The One and Only who took the cross for us.  He showed us the way to really live. Yes, He is before all things and in Him all things hold together.

Backyard in a Mess.  Isn't this just as beautiful as the cathedral.  His cross changes  our vision.  Through Him, all things  are being made new.  He changes the mess to beauty.  This messy life is only made right through Him.  I smile at the fun my children have had in there home and pray that they are filled with joy and peace.  I pray that I am a living example of Christ to them.  I pray that I lay down myself for my husband, my children, and the church.  Yes, He is before all things and in Him all things hold together. 
 And, isn't He doing the same in your life?  He's holding us all together.

Check out this short (incredible... trust me it is) video: