Sunday, December 11, 2011

I will tell this story to my grandkids!

I have been absolutely BUSTING at the seams to sit down here and share some stories and insights with you.  I know it’s time to write when the lump in my throat just won’t go away and my palms get sweaty because I’m trying not to get lost in my thoughts.  Boy, if you knew how many posts I have written in my head in the past month!

Lately, I have been living in the moment.  I’ve been slowing the moments down, making them heavy, and saying “yes” to moment I’m in.  In doing that, it seems that lots of things don’t get done.  But lots of loving, praying and thanking have been getting done!  I’m pretty cool with the opportunity cost.  (Doesn’t that make you think of 4th grade economics!)

I do have a very cool story to share with you.  You need to know up front that it is 100% true.  I am not going to exaggerate one tiny bit. 

Have you every seen a room sparkle with scattered rainbows from a light catcher in the window?  Isn’t it such a divine thing?  Rainbows of God’s love surrounding you like He sent after the flood, like Joseph’s coat of many colors, like the beauty that comes only from “storms.” 

Or does it remind you of the Creator God who created color and light and how it can be divided by glass?  And lead you to think about the power of our brains He created.  Then wonder how tiny our human intelligence is in light of His Holy intelligence. 

Or do the rainbows remind you of His Intimacy with His Creation?  If not, listen to this…

Since childhood I have loved seeing crystals cast rainbows.  When I was tiny I spent some time living at my Nanny and Grandpa’s in their one hundred year old Queen Anne Victorian house.  In the front room Nanny had this mesmerizing “crystal tree” (as all of us cousins call it).  At the age of four I STOLE one of the crystal branches.  I remember cherishing that little thing.  Nanny asked me several times if I had it.  I lied to her over and over and knew I was lying!  If I remember right, I snuck down stairs one morning and put it back on the tree.  I recently found out that I’m not the only one to do that!  Uh hum… Annie-Mollie :)

Last Wednesday morning, I sat in the living room with my sweet boy.  We were recklessly playing with cars and blocks.  Sunlight was beaming through our little cottage-like door and the front window.  My mind was a little reckless too as I was mentally preparing to teach teenagers about the holiness of God that night.  In the middle of smashing cars, I realized that the sun didn’t usually shine in through the door like it was.  And noticed that since the leaves had fallen, the sun had a clear path through the window panels on the door right into our living room.

In that moment I knew what I was going to ask Brent and Heidi to get me for Christmas.  I said out loud to the one and half year old, “I want a little glass ball shaped like a disco ball to hang in that door.”   

Later when Heath was napping, I studied the lesson I planned to teach the students.  I confessed to God how inadequate I felt to teach on such a big topic.  Looking into God’s Holiness reminded me of my sin and inadequacy.  I went down a path of wondering why in the world God would use me to risk His name on.  He is wholly pure and good and righteous.  And, I am not!

This is where He showed off.  That afternoon I loaded up the diaper bag and had Heath at hand walking out the door.  As I opened the door there stood my dear friend Pat coming to the door.  In her hand was something that absolutely took my breath away.  I could hardly talk.

She explained to me that they were leaving for their home in Florida for the winter and she wanted me to have a gift. 

It was a small glass ball shaped like a disco ball with a string attached! I am not kidding.  

Can you believe He was so obvious! There was no hiding what He was trying to tell me. 

In His Holiness He chooses to be in RELATIONSHIP with us. 

He is not a God somewhere up there.  He is not distant from us.  We are His beloved.  That’s why Jesus came!  The Holy God put on flesh to save us; free us from our sin addiction through and intimate personal relationship with Him.

Father, redeem us because of Your unfailing love.  Psalm 44:26

You should come and see the hundreds of little rainbows in our living room on sunny mornings!